
class datarobotx.Deployment(deployment_id=None)#

DataRobot ML Ops deployment.

Implements real-time predictions on ML Ops deployments


deployment_id (str, optional) – DataRobot id for the deployment from which to initialize the object



DataRobot python client datarobot.Deployment object.



Class method to initialize from a URL string.

predict(X[, batch_mode, max_explanations, ...])

Make predictions on X asynchronously using the deployment.

predict_proba(X[, batch_mode, ...])

Calculate class probabilities on X asynchronously using the deployment.


Make predictions with data asynchronously using the deployment.


Share a deployment with other users.

property dr_deployment: Deployment#

DataRobot python client datarobot.Deployment object.


datarobot.Deployment object associated with this drx.Deployment

Return type:


classmethod from_url(url)#

Class method to initialize from a URL string.

Useful for copy and pasting between GUI and notebook environments


url (str) – URL of a DataRobot GUI page related to the deployment of interest


model – The deployed model object

Return type:


predict(X, batch_mode=False, max_explanations=None, as_of=None, for_dates=None, **kwargs)#

Make predictions on X asynchronously using the deployment.

Returns empty DataFrame which will be updated with results when complete

  • X (pd.DataFrame or str) – Data to make predictions on. For text generation deployments, the prompt can be passed as a single string in which event it is converted for use in LLM playground models where the column will be named promptText

  • batch_mode (bool (default=False)) – If True, use batch mode for predictions

  • max_explanations (int or 'all' (default=None)) – Number of explanations to return for each prediction. Note that ‘all’ is supported for deployments using SHAP models only.

  • as_of (str (default=None)) – Applies to time series only. Forecast point to use for predictions. If not provided on a forecast, the latest forecast point will be used. Note that dates passed in are parsed using pd.to_datetime.

  • for_dates (str or tuple of str (default=None)) – Applies to time series only. Date(s) to return predictions for. If a single date is specified, a single prediction will be returned for that date. If a tuple of dates is specified, a prediction will be returned for each date in the range. Note that dates passed in are parsed using pd.to_datetime.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional optional predict-time parameters to pass to DataRobot Examples: ‘forecast_point’, ‘predictions_start_date’, ‘predictions_end_date’, ‘relax_known_in_advance_features_check’

Return type:


predict_proba(X, batch_mode=False, max_explanations=None, as_of=None, for_dates=None, **kwargs)#

Calculate class probabilities on X asynchronously using the deployment.

Returns empty DataFrame which will be updated with results when complete

  • X (pd.DataFrame) – Data to make predictions on

  • batch_mode (bool (default=False)) – If True, use batch mode for predictions

  • max_explanations (int or 'all' (default=None)) – Number of explanations to return for each prediction. Note that ‘all’ is supported for deployments using SHAP models only.

  • as_of (str (default=None)) – Applies to time series only. Forecast point to use for predictions. If not provided on a forecast, the latest forecast point will be used. Note that dates passed in are parsed using pd.to_datetime.

  • for_dates (str or tuple of str (default=None)) – Applies to time series only. Date(s) to return predictions for. If a single date is specified, a single prediction will be returned for that date. If a tuple of dates is specified, a prediction will be returned for each date in the range. Note that dates passed in are parsed using pd.to_datetime.

  • **kwargs (Any) – Additional optional predict-time parameters to pass to DataRobot Examples: ‘forecast_point’, ‘predictions_start_date’, ‘predictions_end_date’, ‘relax_known_in_advance_features_check’

Return type:



Make predictions with data asynchronously using the deployment.

Returns empty dict which will be updated with results when complete


X (Dict[str, Any]) – Data to make predictions on

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]


Share a deployment with other users. Sets the user role as an owner of the deployment.


emails (Union[str, list]) – A list of email addresses of users to share with