
class datarobotx.TargetAutoMLConfig(positive_class=None, weights=None, offset=None, exposure=None, response_cap=None, events_count=None, preferable_target_value=None, class_mapping_aggregation_settings=None, model_group_id=None, model_regime_id=None, model_baselines=None, chunk_definition_id=None)#

AutoML additional target options.

Parameters that default to ‘None’ (or are omitted by the user) are overridden to server-side defaults at runtime. Consult the DataRobot REST API and GUI documentation for additional information on each parameter.

  • positive_class (str or int or float) – A value from the target column to use for the positive class. May only be specified for projects doing binary classification.If not specified, a positive class is selected automatically.

  • weights (str) – The name of a column specifying row weights. The data in this column must be pure numeric (e.g. not currency, date, length, etc.) and without missing values

  • offset (list of str) – An array of strings with names of a columns specifying row offsets.The data in this column must be pure numeric (e.g. not currency, date, length, etc.) and without missing values

  • exposure (str) – The name of a column specifying row exposure.The data in this column must be pure numeric (e.g. not currency, date, length, etc.) and without missing values

  • response_cap (float) – Used to cap the maximum response of a model

  • events_count (str) – The name of a column specifying events count. The data in this column must be pure numeric and non negative without missing values

  • preferable_target_value (str or int or float) – A target value that should be treated as a positive outcome for the prediction. For example if we want to check gender discrimination for giving a loan and our target named is_bad, then the positive outcome for the prediction would be No, which means that the loan is good and that’s what we treat as a preferable result for the loaner. Used and required only if Bias & Fairness in AutoML feature is enabled.

  • class_mapping_aggregation_settings (TargetAggregationConfig) – Class mapping aggregation settings.

  • model_group_id (str) – The name of a column specifying row model group id.

  • model_regime_id (str) – The name of a column specifying row model regime id.

  • model_baselines (list of str) – An array of strings with names of a columns specifying row offsets.The data in this column must be pure numeric (e.g. not currency, date, length, etc.).

  • chunk_definition_id (string) – Unique definition for chunks needed to run automated incremental learning.

See also


Configuration object for DataRobot project and autopilot settings, also includes detailed examples of usage



The Mongo ID that uniquely defines chunk definitions needed for incremental learning.


Class mapping aggregation settings.


The name of a column specifying events count.


The name of a column specifying row exposure.The data in this column must be pure numeric (e.g.


An array of strings with names of a columns specifying row model baselines.The data in this column must be pure numeric (e.g.


The name of a column specifying row model group id.


The name of a column specifying row model regime id.


An array of strings with names of a columns specifying row offsets.The data in this column must be pure numeric (e.g.


A value from the target column to use for the positive class.


A target value that should be treated as a positive outcome for the prediction.


Used to cap the maximum response of a model.


The name of a column specifying row weights.

Inherited methods:





Return configuration as a dict.

property chunk_definition_id: str#

The Mongo ID that uniquely defines chunk definitions needed for incremental learning.


chunk_definition_id : str

property class_mapping_aggregation_settings: TargetAggregationConfig#

Class mapping aggregation settings.


class_mapping_aggregation_settings : TargetAggregationConfig

property events_count: str#

The name of a column specifying events count. The data in this column must be pure numeric and non negative without missing values.


events_count : str

property exposure: str#

The name of a column specifying row exposure.The data in this column must be pure numeric (e.g. not currency, date, length, etc.) and without missing values.


exposure : str

property model_baselines: List[str]#

An array of strings with names of a columns specifying row model baselines.The data in this column must be pure numeric (e.g. not currency, date, length, etc.).


model_baselines : list of str

property model_group_id: str#

The name of a column specifying row model group id.


model_group_id : str

property model_regime_id: str#

The name of a column specifying row model regime id.


model_regime_id : str

property offset: List[str]#

An array of strings with names of a columns specifying row offsets.The data in this column must be pure numeric (e.g. not currency, date, length, etc.) and without missing values.


offset : list of str

property positive_class: str | int | float#

A value from the target column to use for the positive class. May only be specified for projects doing binary classification.If not specified, a positive class is selected automatically.


positive_class : str or int or float

property preferable_target_value: str | int | float#

A target value that should be treated as a positive outcome for the prediction. For example if we want to check gender discrimination for giving a loan and our target named is_bad, then the positive outcome for the prediction would be No, which means that the loan is good and that’s what we treat as a preferable result for the loaner. Used and required only if Bias & Fairness in AutoML feature is enabled.


preferable_target_value : str or int or float

property response_cap: float#

Used to cap the maximum response of a model.


response_cap : float


Return configuration as a dict.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

property weights: str#

The name of a column specifying row weights. The data in this column must be pure numeric (e.g. not currency, date, length, etc.) and without missing values.


weights : str