
class datarobotx.PartitioningDateTimeConfig(datetime_partition_column=None, validation_duration=None, gap_duration=None, is_holdout_modified=None, holdout_start_date=None, holdout_end_date=None, holdout_duration=None, autopilot_data_selection_method=None, autopilot_data_sampling_method=None, number_of_backtests=None, use_project_settings=None, backtests=None)#

Date-time partitioning configuration.

Parameters that default to ‘None’ (or are omitted by the user) are overridden to server-side defaults at runtime. Consult the DataRobot REST API and GUI documentation for additional information on each parameter.

  • datetime_partition_column (str) – The date column that will be used as a datetime partition column.

  • validation_duration (str) – The default validation duration for all backtests. If the primary date/time feature in a time series project is irregular, you cannot set a default validation length. Instead, set each duration individually. For an OTV project setting the validation duration will always use regular partitioning. Omitting it will use irregular partitioning if the date/time feature is irregular.

  • gap_duration (str) – The duration of the gap between holdout training and holdout scoring data. For time series projects, defaults to the duration of the gap between the end of the feature derivation window and the beginning of the forecast window. For OTV projects, defaults to a zero duration (P0Y0M0D).

  • is_holdout_modified (bool) – A boolean value indicating whether holdout settings (start/end dates) have been modified by user.

  • holdout_start_date (str) – The start date of holdout scoring data. When specifying holdoutStartDate, one of holdoutEndDate or holdoutDuration must also be specified. This attribute cannot be specified when disableHoldout is true.

  • holdout_end_date (str) – The end date of holdout scoring data. When specifying holdoutEndDate, holdoutStartDate must also be specified. This attribute cannot be specified when disableHoldout is true.

  • holdout_duration (str) – The duration of holdout scoring data. When specifying holdoutDuration, holdoutStartDate must also be specified. This attribute cannot be specified when disableHoldout is true.

  • autopilot_data_selection_method ({'duration', 'rowCount'}) – The Data Selection method to be used by autopilot when creating models for datetime-partitioned datasets.

  • autopilot_data_sampling_method ({'random', 'latest'}) – Defines how autopilot will select subsample from training dataset in OTV/TS projects. Defaults to ‘latest’ for ‘rowCount’ dataSelectionMethod and to ‘random’ for ‘duration’.

  • number_of_backtests (int) – The number of backtests to use. If omitted, defaults to a positive value selected by the server based on the validation and gap durations.

  • use_project_settings (bool) – Specifies whether datetime-partitioned project should use project settings (i.e. backtests configuration has been modified by the user).

  • backtests (list of PartitioningDTBacktestConfig) – An array specifying the format of the backtests.

See also


Configuration object for DataRobot project and autopilot settings, also includes detailed examples of usage



Defines how autopilot will select subsample from training dataset in OTV/TS projects.


The Data Selection method to be used by autopilot when creating models for datetime-partitioned datasets.


An array specifying the format of the backtests.


The date column that will be used as a datetime partition column.


The duration of the gap between holdout training and holdout scoring data.


The duration of holdout scoring data.


The end date of holdout scoring data.


The start date of holdout scoring data.


A boolean value indicating whether holdout settings (start/end dates) have been modified by user.


The number of backtests to use.


Specifies whether datetime-partitioned project should use project settings (i.e.


The default validation duration for all backtests.

Inherited methods:





Return configuration as a dict.

property autopilot_data_sampling_method: str#

Defines how autopilot will select subsample from training dataset in OTV/TS projects. Defaults to ‘latest’ for ‘rowCount’ dataSelectionMethod and to ‘random’ for ‘duration’.


autopilot_data_sampling_method : {‘random’, ‘latest’}

property autopilot_data_selection_method: str#

The Data Selection method to be used by autopilot when creating models for datetime-partitioned datasets.


autopilot_data_selection_method : {‘duration’, ‘rowCount’}

property backtests: List[PartitioningDTBacktestConfig]#

An array specifying the format of the backtests.


backtests : list of PartitioningDTBacktestConfig

property datetime_partition_column: str#

The date column that will be used as a datetime partition column.


datetime_partition_column : str

property gap_duration: str#

The duration of the gap between holdout training and holdout scoring data. For time series projects, defaults to the duration of the gap between the end of the feature derivation window and the beginning of the forecast window. For OTV projects, defaults to a zero duration (P0Y0M0D).


gap_duration : str

property holdout_duration: str#

The duration of holdout scoring data. When specifying holdoutDuration, holdoutStartDate must also be specified. This attribute cannot be specified when disableHoldout is true.


holdout_duration : str

property holdout_end_date: str#

The end date of holdout scoring data. When specifying holdoutEndDate, holdoutStartDate must also be specified. This attribute cannot be specified when disableHoldout is true.


holdout_end_date : str

property holdout_start_date: str#

The start date of holdout scoring data. When specifying holdoutStartDate, one of holdoutEndDate or holdoutDuration must also be specified. This attribute cannot be specified when disableHoldout is true.


holdout_start_date : str

property is_holdout_modified: bool#

A boolean value indicating whether holdout settings (start/end dates) have been modified by user.


is_holdout_modified : bool

property number_of_backtests: int#

The number of backtests to use. If omitted, defaults to a positive value selected by the server based on the validation and gap durations.


number_of_backtests : int


Return configuration as a dict.

Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

property use_project_settings: bool#

Specifies whether datetime-partitioned project should use project settings (i.e. backtests configuration has been modified by the user).


use_project_settings : bool

property validation_duration: str#

The default validation duration for all backtests. If the primary date/time feature in a time series project is irregular, you cannot set a default validation length. Instead, set each duration individually. For an OTV project setting the validation duration will always use regular partitioning. Omitting it will use irregular partitioning if the date/time feature is irregular.


validation_duration : str